vendredi 29 mai 2009

IMAGING THE FUTURE 2009: the vfx guests !!!

Here are the first informations about the 4th edition of IMAGING THE FUTURE (1st and 2nd July 2009) beside the NIFFF.

As previous editions, the conferences will talk about videogames, virtual reality and visual effects. There will be many and quality guests.

Following, you'll find a introduction about the VFX's guests:

For Switzerland, there will be Marco Fischer and Dany Bittel of Elefant Studios and Jean Depierraz of Sapristi Studio. Each studio coming from on different side of the country.

On the international part, we have the pleasure to have two great visual effects supervisors with Rodolphe Chabrier (Dobermann, Blueberry, 99 fr) of Mac Guff Ligne and Hugues Namur (Le Boulet, Ne te retourne pas) of Mikros Image !

And for the matte-paintings, it's a true master that will be present: Jean-Marie Vivès (City of lost childrens, Alien Resurrection, Blueberry) !! He will be accompanied by a young gifted matte-painter Justine Gasquet (Lord of war, Babylon AD, Speed Racer).

The full list of guest and the programm will be available soon.

Please book already the dates for the conferences !

I recall that it takes place at Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and it completly free !!

vendredi 22 mai 2009

Some french movies...

Let's continue with the trailers on which I've worked this time.
It's UN PROPHETE directed by Jacques Audiard and OCEANS directed by Jacques Perrin.

The first on was done at MacGuff and the second at Def2Shoot(others VFX were made at Buf and Mikros).
This movie was the occasion for me to learn Eyeon Fusion.

More informations about those movies once they are released.

dimanche 17 mai 2009

LAND OF THE LOST: new trailer

Another trailer's news, this time it's for LAND OF THE LOST.

We can see new VFX shots from Pascal Chappuis, sequence supervisor, and his team at Rhythm & Hues.

Here are some screenshots:

lundi 11 mai 2009

TERMINATOR SALVATION: plenty of new VFX shots !!!

Warner just put online a new trailer of TERMINATOR SALVATION ! It's a 4 minutes clip with a lots of new VFX shots !!!

Two swiss artists have worked on the show, Natacha Devaud, senior technical director, at ILM and Rafael Dickreuter, previz animator, at Pixel Liberation Front.

Here are some screenshots:

It's impressive, that will be hard to wait for the release !

jeudi 7 mai 2009


Here's a small interview of Deak Ferrand which present to us his work on WOLVERINE and in exclusivity some behind the scenes pictures (sorry, it's in french).

Bonjour Deak, peux-tu nous dire combien de mattes-paintings as-tu fais sur ce film et sur quelles séquences ??

Un grand "crane down" sur une ville de favelas qui est utilisé a plusieurs reprises dans la séquence en partie.
Un plan où Wolverine est en route vers Las Vegas (très drôle, le Studio voulait que l'audience comprenne qu'il allait vers LV donc fallait mettre le panneau qui se trouve en ville en dehors de la ville! Beaucoup de gens reconnaisent le signe illumine est rigolent bien!).
Quelques autres sans beaucoup d'intérêts.
Nous avons été appelés après des reshoots à Vancouver fin Janvier pour une livraison début Mars.

- Quels logiciels utilises-tu ??

Nous avons utilisés Photoshop, Softimage XSI et After Effects.

- Est-ce que tu prend en charge un plan dans sa totalité ou tu fais juste le matte-painting ??

Absolument le plus souvent possible..... du concept, au shot final!
C'est ça qui rend le travail plus intéressant!

- Un grand merci pour ton temps ;)

Merci Vincent! A très bientôt!

For more informations, go see their website.

Thanks to Deak and Cheryl for the pictures.

samedi 2 mai 2009

Mark Hermitte's demoreel

Following the interview of Mark Hermitte, here's his demoreel.

You can download it here (35Mb).

For more informations, go see his website.